The latest batch of Nintendo eShop additions consists of four new games while one downloadable title receives a temporary discount. The biggest release in the eShop this week is the latest title in the Professor Layton series: Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.…
Month: February 2014
Analog Addiction Plays: ‘Legends of Eisenwald’
Today Ryan Livingstone is back with another game-play video in which he takes us through Legends of Eisenwald. It is an low-fantasy medieval RPG strategy being developed by Aterdux Entertainment and was another success story on Kickstarter. The game is still…
‘Trials Fusion’ Release Date Announced
Trials developer RedLynx and publisher Ubisoft have announced the release date of Trials Evolution, the latest entry in the franchise and first title for the now current-gen consoles. On April 16, Fusion will release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.…
AA Meeting Episode 58 – 2
The AA Meeting is your weekly destination for all the biggest gaming news of the week. This week Jamie talks about some new release dates, the latest Super Smash Bros. character, Irrational Games winding down and more. We also hear in-depth thoughts on Minecraft PlayStation 3, Killzone:…
‘Surge Deluxe’ Review
Platforms: PlayStation Vita Developer: Futurlab Genre: Puzzle Platform Played: PlayStation Vita Games such as Surge Deluxe aren’t types I usually play. Surge Deluxe is ported to the Vita from the PlayStation Mobile version released a while back so when I meant I don’t play…
‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Interview – New Details Inside
Stay Awhile and Listen Ever since its reveal, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has won over 55 awards, so it comes as a no surprise that CD Projekt RED’s upcoming role-playing-game is one of the most anticipated next generation titles of this…
Voice Actor Zach Hanks Shares His Experiences – Part Three
This is the second part of Analog Addiction’s interview with video game voice actor Zach Hanks. To view the previous two parts of the interviews, click on part one and part two. Q What has been your favorite role so far – voice acting…
Give ‘The Elder Scrolls Online’ a Chance
One quote, as over-used as it has become pretty much sums up how I see The Elder Scrolls Online, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. If there is one thing that really grinds my gears after playing through the closed beta…
‘Metal Gear Solid V’ PS4 is Real… in Japan
Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima has just revealed a PlayStation 4 edition of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes via Twitter as seen below. More specifically, the bundle is called the “Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Fox Edition.” It’s available on Sony Japan’s website for…

New ‘Volume’ Screenshots Released
Thomas Was Alone creator Mike Bithell has released five new screenshots from his upcoming title Volume. The new images depict the character players will control during Volume as he must try to traverse each level without being detected. Volume contains a vast array of vibrant…