It’s only natural that at the beginning of every new year, we start looking forward to what’s in store for us in the next 12 months, regarding the gaming front. As such, we at Analog Addiction took a moment, and (almost) each of us, came up with 5 predictions on what’s about to go down in the near future. And the predictions are:
Jamie Briggs:
5. Microsoft will release their next console in late November.
4. Last Guardian will show no gameplay throughout the entire year.
3. iNfamous 3 will be a announced as a launch title for PlayStation 4.
2. Vita will be given a price drop at E3, to be equal with a 3DS, if not cheaper.
1. PlayStation 4 will be announced, but will not release until 2014.
Vlad Pintea:
5. Since another studio is making the next Hitman game, I’m thinking IO will announce at E3… Mini Ninjas 2! It’ll be on the next-gen consoles + PC game, and it’ll come out in 2014.
4. Ubisoft will finally reveal the new “Prince Of Persia” game AND “Beyond Good and Evil 2”. Again, both will be on next-gen consoles + PC, both will be coming out in 2014.
3. “Alan Wake 2”, along with a new “Fable” game (NOT a Kinect one) will be among the launch titles for the next Xbox, but both will be coming out for the PC a few months later (maybe a year).
2. Ubisoft will buy the rights to “Darksiders”, EA will be getting “Company of Heroes”, and “Warhammer”, and Activision will buy the “Saints Row” brand.
1. Among others, the following games will be launch titles for the PlayStation 4: Agent, Heavenly Sword 2, aaaaaaaaand… The Last Guardian!!!
Frank Margarella:
5. Fez is going to be released on Steam, and possibly even the 3DS.
4. Half-Life 3/Episode 3 will not be announced.
3. Bioware will have a series of polls asking fans what they want in Mass Effect 4.
2. Kickstarter funding will become a corrupted marketing platform for publishers.
1. Bioshock Infinite will win GOTY from several gaming sites.
Eric Pepper:
5. The Last of Us will be pushed back again.
4. The next CoD game will break even more sales records.
3. The Wii U’s library will consist primarily of shovelware.
2. Nintendo will release another 3DS remake of a Zelda title.
1. The subscription price of Xbox Live will drop.
Hugh Simmonds:
5. Sony will have a worldwide release for the PS4.
4. PS4 games will interact with the Vita, using it as a second screen (similar to that of Wii U).
3. Sucker Punch announces inFamous 3 as well as a spin-off inFamous for the Vita.
2. Bioshock Vita is officially announced and gameplay is shown. We play, we think its awesome, and shows how shooters are done on Vita *cough Nihilistic*.
1. Kingdom Hearts HD actually gets released, unlike Square’s previous FF HD announcement which is on quite the info hiatus.
Robert Key:
5. Shigeru Miyamoto will finally reveal on Nintendo Direct that he is the Japanese Austin Powers and that we will be shaken (rather shaggy), not stirred from the announcement.
4. Microsoft will reveal that Rare has been making actual games. Rare will release either a new Perfect Dark or Banjo Kazooie. If it’s Perfect Dark, it will be a sequel. If it’s Banjo Kazooie, it will go back to its platformer roots.
3. Sqaure Enix will make an announcement about Final Fantasy Versus XIII. It will be the announcement that they have no announcements because they don’t want to rush the game.
2. Both Sony and Microsoft will announce “Project Orbis” and “Xbox 720” respectfully, but only one of them will announce it at E3. It will most likely be Microsoft since they usually have huge reveal at the end of their press conference.
1. Retro Studios, developers behind the praised Metroid Prime franchise and Donkey Kong Returns, will finally reveal their project for the Wii U. It will be a long-awaited, true successor to Star Fox.
Jaime Francisco Sifontes:
5. Both Next-Gen Consoles wont be released until Winter 2014.
4. The next console from Sony will not be called Playstation 4, but something else (Japan would never use the number 4).
3. The PS Vita will get a price drop to the tune of $200 along with permanent price drops to memory cards (small increase in sales will follow).
2. Final Fantasy Versus 13 will become FF15 and be given a release date for Winter 2013/Early 2014.
1. Persona 5 will be announced and it will be a handheld title.
George Sinclair:
5. Sony and Microsoft will announce the new consoles which will be out in Winter 2014.
4. Microsofts next console will have Kinect integrated.
3. Final Fantasy X Vita will come out in the third quarter of 2013.
2. Sony’s next console will be called PlayStation 4 but NOT in Japan.
1. Vita will receive a price drop as will memory cards again.
For more thoughts and predictions, keep it locked to Analog Addiction!