Alan and myself slowly drive our way to the location of a supply trade; the group was enthusiastic about the trade and it seemed in my best interest (as the latest survivor) to make sure things went smoothly. Alan is a obnoxious loud-mouth, yet it’s easy to tell he has the best intentions for the group at heart. The sun sets as we methodically travel to the meeting, making sure to keep the noise level to a complete silence. As night looms, the dark sets in. Almost foreboding the events that were to follow.
Deciding to take the main roads wasn’t a good idea. Sure we may have wrecked the car through the luscious forests, or even got lost if we decided otherwise, but we wouldn’t have faced the great challenge ahead. In the middle of the desolate road were three zombie hordes, genuinely interested in blue vehicle heading their way. As if they were one entity, they all rushed towards our car at once. My driving was enough to take them down in a matter of seconds, but I didn’t realise the damage the vehicle had taken. At this stage our only hopes for a safe passage home were smoking and on the verge of engulfing in flames. Our hopes were fading away, like the smoke from the engine rising into the night sky.
Fortunately we make the drop-off zone, the trade goes smoothly and our morale lifts. Maybe, just maybe we will make it out of here with our new supplies. I definitely spoke too soon, instantly, a pack of zombies rushes from the woods. In our adrenaline filled minds we decide it’s all or nothing. We charge.
Alan starts fighting two zombies and I start viciously swinging at the rest, waiting for one to falter so I can finish them with my brutal final blow. I finish my enemies, relieved for a split second, only to realise Alan was surrounded and it was up to me to save his life. Killing one zombie left Alan free to take down the other, we survived.
The problem was our vehicle, it was out of action and our base of operations was miles away. There was no other option but to make our cautious way through the dark, eerie forest. Without wanting to ignite the interest of the walking dead inside these woods, we kept our flashlights off. Struggling up the slanted grassy incline to the road ahead, I was shocked. Almost knowing our desperate situation as our stamina drew ever closer to running on empty, three more zombie hoards awaited our tasty flesh.
We crouch down, slowly stalking our hunter. We had to get away as fast as possible, our lives and those of our fellow survivors were depending on us. Crouching in a bush with Alan to my side, we saw a car off in the distance that was engulfed by a slow moving horde. Deciding we had to wait for the group to move, we headed for an empty (we hoped it to be empty, anyway) department store to possibly fill our backpacks with a few more supplies. Busting through the door, we gratefully didn’t alert the horde. Keeping an eye on the enemy, we decided to start searching.
Bursting through the window was an aggressive zombie. In a panic, I swang at our attacker making loud noises in hopes of clearing out the undead. As his grey matter splattered on the ground, the horde slowly moved past the store. We crouched down behind the counter waiting for them to go by. As soon as the coast was clear we ran to the vehicle. Jumping in and turning the ignition they pounced, like a cat pinning down a helpless mouse, we were surrounded. Trying to manoeuvre through the horde took its toll on the car, after making it just a few more blocks. Our ride was totaled and our chances of surviving, diminishing.
It was time to make a break for it, with Alan in toe we ran down the side of a house aiming for their back fence. With a mad scramble we were over, home free with our house in sight. However the woods are never safe at night and a group of zombies attacked. I ran for our base. It was the only way to get home and it was now or never, but then I heard something terrible behind me. Alan was down and yelling for help.
Running back was my last chances. Out of stamina, I corralled the zombies. I was their ringmaster and they were my trained army. One by one taking them down on my own terms, fighting with determination that I have never possessed, all to save this loud-mouth. The thing was, he never turned his back on me, so I would never do that to him. Blood splatters, heads destroyed and the undead dead once more. With a helping hand Alan is back on his feet, the intensity has been shut off and we head towards our safety, our base, our home.
State of Decay is able to constantly provide these unique stories. The intense feeling as you are greatly outmatched, fighting with tooth and nail to survive is one that Undead Labs has been able to capture with brilliance. Though I have only scratched the surface of what State of Decay offers, being able to retell such a memorable adventure excites me. What stories lay ahead as our group and I continue to survive? Only time will tell, but until then I look forward to surviving to see them happen.