Square Enix registered a Legacy of Kain-related domain back in February, and now it seems like those rumours about a new entry in the series are becoming increasingly believable.
Over in the Steam database, the word Nosgoth has popped up, suggesting that a new game in the franchise is possibly incoming. Additionally, both Nosgoth and War for Nosgoth have been listed on an AMD driver patch log, the latter being the exact name Square registered earlier this yaer.
For those unfamiliar with the setting, the land of Nosgoth, usually abbreviated to Nosgoth, is a fictional setting in which the entirety of the Legacy of Kain series takes place.
Editor’s Thoughts: We’ll just have to wait and see how it develops, but seeing as the Legacy of Kain franchise was a successful one in the PS2 era, I personally think that a next-gen version will be announced soon enough; maybe at E3? If you think about it, Thief is also a Square Enix brand which skipped and entire generation, but it’s now coming back on the Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PC. Here’s hoping Kain and Raziel show up as well!