Indestructible Hulk #8
Written by: Mark Waid Art by: Walter Simonson
Indestructible Hulk #8 wraps up Walt Simonson’s stint on the title, and while Waid is responsible for the series’ success from the get go, this issue makes me seriously miss Simonson as a regular series artist. The three issue arc featuring Thor wraps up here, and while its lasting effects are unclear (to none), we get a strong thematic look at how faith and random circumstances shape human beings.
Without realizing it initially, Waid transformed Bruce Banner in only 8 issues of this series, without blatantly showing us that change. It is revealed through his interaction with Patty. We now see that Banner is an advocate for faith, as he believes cynicism and even physical illness can be overcome by persistence and reliance on others. This is a long way from the “Lonely Man” Hulk we’ve been accustomed to.
Another important point in this issue is the friendship that could have been between Hulk and Thor, had they been under different life circumstances. This feels almost comparable to the rocky relationship between Kirk and Spock in the rebooted Star Trek movies, which is much different from their traditional relationship. This makes me wish that Thor has a role in future issues of the series, but no solicitations point to that at this time. If anything, it defines their current relationship more within the context of the Avengers.
S.H.I.E.L.D. felt like a distraction in this issue. While they supervise/fund Hulk’s crew, their role in Asgard and the overall plot was very limited, and could have been filled instead with further Randall scenes. The Randall-Frost Giant plot could have been put to use more, as it feels a little wasted.
Simonson proved yet again that he’s a legend and absolutely relevant powerhouse in the comics industry. Everything about this issue is fantastical, and Simonson captures the drama and action of every scene with grand visuals and dynamic layouts.
While Indestructible Hulk #8′s subplots felt underused/unnecessary, the driving central plot and themes hit extremely well. If this series isn’t on your pull list, at the very list pick up the three issue arc that Simonson has exceptionally contributed.