Kick-Ass 3 #1

Continuing from the final fight in New York which took place in Kick-Ass Volume 2, Volume 3 is the fallout of that event. As usual Millar knows how to put these characters against the wall. Not just for the fact that they put their lives on the line every time they put on their masks, but because they do so in a world that hasn’t accepted the idea of real heroes. Though this doesn’t stop them from jumping into another adventure as Justice Now reforms to bust Hit-Girl out of jail.
The one thing that Millar managed to pull off in this issue is showing how close knit the heroes are and how they look out for one another. They knew the risk of going out to attempt breaking Hit-Girl out and did so anyways. It’s not just about good vs. evil, in the end it’s about finding justice and fighting for it. It was an injustice that Hit-Girl went to jail at the end of volume 2 and this her again taking matters into her own hands. This is something Millar has done since volume one, showing what it means to be a hero when you are real people in the real world, with real life consequences.
While overall the issue was uneventful, you can say that it at least gave you an idea of what’s to come. This is between Justice Forever falling apart, what they stood for being forgotten, and Hit-Girl remaining in solitary because they couldn’t return the favor to her.
As per usual, Romita’s art remains consistent as it did from Volume 1 to now. Solid coloring, good use of dark strokes, and as usual well done facial expressions.