Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #2
Written by: Mairghread Scott and Mike Johnson Art by: Agustin PadillaTransformers Prime: Beast Hunters #2 strives for a serious take on the Dinobots and Autobots. An intriguing world is set up; one where energon is almost like a drug, and Cybertron is a divided wasteland. Although this is the case, Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters is a real misfire, in that it’s spends most of its time as a dull dialogue-heavy whodunnit, rather than an exploration of an interesting world.
Yes, there’s action to break up the mundane robo-chatter, but it’s quickly cut off by dull back and forth dialogue as the Dinobots try and solve their murder mystery. If the series had built up the deaths to mean something, this would be a much more emotional tale. However, because we didn’t get a chance to get acquainted with the victims, or even experience the strain it puts on the Cybertron survivors, I’m left begging for thoughtless action over any real answers.
Padilla’s visuals in the action scenes are striking, but once the heavy dialogue scenes come in, characters become cluttered because of their sheer size within the small panels, and it becomes hard to differentiate between who’s who. The layouts could have benefitted from larger panels to truly capture the magnitude of the characters, and show off their unique designs.
Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #2 is an example of a licensed tie-in that fails to truly expand the world of its franchise. Because the featured characters are less known, than say, Optimus Prime, the series could have really benefitted from some more back story for the characters. Failing to deliver on plot, and pure spectacle, fans of Transformers are better left quenching their thirst elsewhere.