Justice League of America #5
A very action packed issue as this Justice League takes on the Secret Society. Waller has sent them out on their first mission and right now you see them dig their way out of a sticky situation because they are still new to acting as a team. It makes this book all the more intriguing when it’s members who are to an extent out of their element and forced into a position that is questionable for them.
I do have to say that some events were predictable in this story. Sure it would have been bold and cool for them to actually go through with something as shocking so early in this book, but that just wasn’t the case. Either way it does play off of Martian Manhunter and Catwoman’s mysterious connection after they accidentally invaded each others minds. Sure this is probably one of the most uncanny teams DC has to offer, but nonetheless they are good when they work together. It’s nice to see them work cohesively and Geoff John’s writes them well because their dynamic is entertaining.
The story at the end was a nice addition to further our understanding of this connection between Catwoman and Martian. This was of course more focused on him, but it was great that Geoff could take that little bit of time to delve into his past and give him some sort of closure knowing that something like what he went through only holds him back.
As a conclusion to this storyline, I think that Geoff Johns has handled this team much better than I expected. Like Trevor said in the book and as I see myself this team has potential and the book overall has potential. I don’t know what to expect from this, but surely it should be something exciting since their job is far from done in foiling the Secret Society’s plans. What I liked most was the work put into it by Brett Booth. Everything from the crisp style, to the effects from everyone who wielded powers, it was all done very well. This and the structure of the environment around them because there was a lot of destruction.