Injustice Gods Among Us #26
Dialed back? Try way back in this issue. From what seemed to be a good pace leading up to what we hope is the clash between these heroes, ended up something of a filler issue. Not to say that it was bad, but when things are picking up and you jump to something like this, you feel a bit let down.
Now with that disappointment aside, you do have to take some time to notice the pieces put in place and the advantage taken to make you think. Lex as we all know is on Superman’s side, but we also know what he will eventually come to do later on. While it’s nothing new that he will ultimately put into the situation he’s being questioned upon, it’s good to at least make sure it’s not something which happens purely for the sake of shock value. Then we also have Flash who has challenged every move Superman has made since the beginning while still fighting for the same cause. Being that anchor to question how far they are willing to go in order to bring peace to the world.
Overall it seemed like this issue was set up to serve as a psychological evaluation of the situation. While nothing is wrong with that when it’s good to delve into what is driving the story and his motivations, but when it’s placed in as randomly as it felt, it was a bit disappointing as a transition from what occurred the last issue. The one thing I liked about this story so far is that the transitions from perspectives has always been smooth and I can only hope it gets back on track with the next issue. The least you can say is that you’d rather get this part out-of-the-way now because in the end it was an inevitable moment that they had to address. Aside from this it’s great to see Tom Derenick back on art as he is really capable of capturing the facial expressions which really convey the emotions many of them are feeling at the moment.