Larfleeze #2

Written By: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis
Art By: Scot Kolins

The mission statement of Larfleeze still isn’t made quite clear in issue #2. I think this is on purpose, to emphasize the uniqueness and unpredictability of the series, as Giffen, DeMatteis and Kolins deliver an off-kilter tale that doesn’t even focus on the titular character.

With Larfleeze taking a break from narration in this issue, Pulsar Stargrave is given the spotlight. This was needed, especially after the character was left with only sassy remarks last issue.

While his devotion to Larfleeze still doesn’t seem like a genuine choice, when you just go with it, Stargrave’s dialogue with Lou and Homunculus make for a hilarious read. The three take on the role of washed-up, burnout adults, who explain high-concept elements of space like a part of the neighbourhood.

Kolins manages to make his smaller panels focus on the awkward, unique comedy, highlighted with his rigid strokes. The larger panels are made for bombastic explosions in space, that capture the sci-fi weirdness of Larfleeze, especially in the panel where he attacks Lou.

With nothing anchoring the series plot-wise, a colourful energy and a sharp, humorous script, make Larfleeze #2 a basic, fun read.

Score: 7.9/10