Danger Girl: The Chase #1
Written By: Andy Hartnell Art By: Harvey TolibaoDanger Girl: The Chase #1 is a very run of the mill black-ops action story, but without a substantial hook. No real edge is given to the series over any other group of special agents, and it’s reliance on familiar tropes is played so heavily that it doesn’t even feel odd that very little is told about the team.
This is a fast-paced comic, even though it’s one long “chase” (as the title suggests). Not that much really happens, but there’s a sense of happening created because the characters are all talking in short sentences and in motion.
The main characters – Sydney, Val, Sonya, Abbey and Deuce – are introduced, but apart from their lettered character descriptions, nothing about their dialogue reveals any character traits. Save for Deuce, who suspiciously keeps the girls’ objective a secret, but isn’t called on it later in the issue. The distrust in Deuce comes too soon, and feels abandoned by the end of the story.
Tolibao draws some striking poses, but nothing about the art feels intense. Not enough context is given around the characters to create dynamics between panels. Everything feels like one long sprint. As the target and Abbey fall with the briefcase mid-air, it’s hard to tell how high up they are, thus losing context of the fight.
I’d like to recommend this book based solely on its popcorn factor, but there’s nothing special about this outing when it comes to special agent teams. Danger Girl: The Chase #1 hits the quota for action, but misses on many other levels.