Injustice Gods Among Us #34

No one is the same, and the game has now changed. Everyone has had their reasons for what they did up to now, but even then they did not have as much of an impact on each other as they do now. We have reached that point of no return for everyone involved and that is the moment we’ve been waiting for so that the real fight can begin. This is a dramatic tale in which no matter who leads or who “wins”, everybody loses in some way. No one is safe either and it creates such an intense atmosphere that Tom Taylor has been able to capture perfectly.
Your heart instantly has to drop from the minute you open this book. When someone says that a person doesn’t pull punches, Tom Taylor doesn’t, and neither does Superman. This world that Tom has taken on is one where consequences rule. Every action has a consequence and everyone has a choice in what actions they take. Superman is now unhinged, Batman is now with his back against the wall and feeling vulnerable. Everything is at stake right now and you see this in their dialogue, reactions, Mike Miller has done great by accompanying this story with his stunning visuals. You feel everything down to that blow which killed Green Arrow.
What I like about this issue is the emotional drive behind it. It’s not something which he ever has to rely on either, but that emotion is sold at every moment it is present. Batman and Catwoman, all of Clark’s parents, they all have some emotional influence on this story which makes it so engaging. Love really has no place in a war such as this and whether they like it or not, it’s not what will bring about an end when things have escalated so much.
Week after week Tom has been able to deliver such an entertaining story with great character moments. He has proven with this series that he can handle as many characters and still find a way to give them the spotlight. That’s something you won’t get from many team books out there these days.