Wonder Woman #24
War is looming, and the gods of Olympus want to go without a God of War? Stranger things have happened, though after everything Wonder Woman has gone through, you can find this very inevitable. Wonder Woman’s life has changed forever since killing War, she had no choice, though now she has another to make that will determine her future as a new God.
Things have finally calmed down, and now we get something more of diplomacy as they discuss what to do with what comes next. With all the gods meeting and seeing how they all react to this is what made it feel real. Gods tend not to have much love for each other, and the way they acted quite nonchalantly towards War’s death showed just that. Azzarello gave everyone a bit of personality, not exactly being the Gods you’d expect them to be at first. I surely looked at them wondering what a unique approach he took to each of them. Especially Strife who is furious at Wonder Woman.
Art felt a bit inconsistent, but it still captured that mythological feeling that came from Olympus when they had their meeting.
Solid issue that really takes advantage of the kind of person Wonder Woman is. Great balance between her real life and life as a God, something that gives this story depth beyond the myths. Though once again both will clash as Diana’s choice to avoid her responsibilities as God of War have now forced the others to consider an Olympus without one. Not only this but having evoked the wrath of War’s sister who wants her head. So much potential for this new story and we’ll see if Diana can really turn away from her new path.