Ubisoft and Sony have just revealed the exclusive content that PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 gamers will get to experience in the upcoming “hack-fest” Watch Dogs.
This package will offer players four extra missions – totaling in one hour of gameplay – in addition to the “White Hat Hacker” outfit. Taking on the PlayStation versions of WD will help players get a deeper knowledge of DedSec – a powerful faction in the city of Chicago. Completing these side-quests will also net you one additional battery-slot.
“The scenario takes place after Aiden Pearce, the vigilante hero of Watch Dogs, catches the eye of DedSec, a notorious hacker group fighting for freedom and security in the digital age. Aiden receives an encoded message asking him to help some members of this organization who want payback. Pearce must use his knowledge of Chicago’s complex ctOS network to discover digital vulnerabilities in Umeni Technologies’ security network and earn his reward.“
Watch Dogs is scheduled for release on May 27th, on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. A Wii U version is still in the works, though its release date is unknown. For all your latest news on hackers, keep it locked to AA.