Developer Gearbox Software announced new Borderlands 2 content at PAX East this past week.
The first bit of content is the new difficulty, Ultimate Vault Hunter. Not only does this raise the level cap to 61, but it grants players access to a third playthrough once the second is completed. Ultimate Vault Hunter will be free to players regardless of whether they purchase the $5 level-cap increase and will be available for download on April 2 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.
The second piece of content is an additional Vault Hunter named Krieg, an experimental Psycho who strongly resemble a Raider, one of the primary baddies of the Borderlands franchise. Krieg appears to be a “melee-focused class that can rush the front line and deal damage to keep himself alive.” It sounds like Krieg will be similar to the character Brick from the first Borderlands.
Borderlands 2 lead writer Anthony Burch (also from Game Trailer’s Hey Ash, Watcha Playin’?) said “If you’re like me, I was like, ‘F*** cover, I just want to get in this guy’s face,’ then this is your guy.”
Krieg’s has three skill trees similar to the other Vault Hunters. Bloodlust increases your chances of surviving depending on how much damage is doled through his Buzz Axe. Mania increases Krieg’s abilities to deliver damage with the more damage he takes. Finally, Hellborn increases his fire damage, especially if he is already on fire.
Krieg the Psycho can be downloaded sometime throughout May.