Ultimate Comics X-Men #27
Part Four of Natural Resources. Brian Wood has managed to crank up the dial just a bit more this issue. You learn by now that nothing every goes in favor of the mutants and if so it’s never for long. Sure it does make the outcome of certain events seem predictable, but it’s how those events are handled which is most important.
While nothing too significant has taken place so far, the book does manage to still surprise you with mysteries and twists. Especially from those who oppose Utopia. At first Mach 2 was in control of rebelling, the Psylocke takes control of the mission, then you figure out that it’s not really Psylocke and she has more evil intent. So right now the mutants find themselves in more trouble than they expected. Brian Wood has consistently pushed their backs against the wall and that seems to be when you see the potential of this story.
Overall we are met with mysteries, twists, emphasis on loyalties and so on. This story has proven to show that nothing is as simple as it looks and to usually expect the worst to come. The only set back you can find is that even as the book hits it’s climax, nothing too big has happened to really occurred to wow you. That will come in time, but for now the pace is decent at best.