The Bounce #1
Rebellious guy that takes on being a superhero? Where have I heard this one before? Jokes aside, this was not exactly what I expected, but in a good way. Joe Casey has created a character that you find appealing because when he’s not out trying to be a superhero, his attitude is very different. He doesn’t act like someone who you’d expect to be a hero and certainly doesn’t display any positive values as one. Again this is a good thing as even when he puts on his mask he is witty and his powers make fights exciting.
Some might not appreciate being introduced to a new story and only leave asking more questions, yet for this story it works. Joe Casey adds mystery to it which you can appreciate because you know that between the military and the underground drugs, there is more than what’s on the surface. It’s not something that gives everything to you in the very beginning, maybe risky but not every story has to hold your hand. I see it as more of an adventure and they created a down to Earth protagonist who fits the world he lives in. A bit questionable in his actions though seems like someone you will open up to eventually.
David Messina’s style shows to be very smooth, something I feel fits this type of story and hero. What stands out most is the effects that change between feeling like it’s actually a comic and the inverted colors. Overall it’s not as bad as some make it out to be. Sure it’s not something that wows you for a first issue, but it is still interesting and shows some potential for issues to come. Nothing big came out of this issue, but this is something you want to follow because something will come out of this and of course more is to be unraveled about the story later on.