Injustice Gods Among Us #32

Lets go out with a bang? This is the kind of excitement you get when the writer is not afraid of trying to pull the trigger on a character. Not to say killing for the shock value, but putting characters into positions where they do something which isn’t expected of them.
What makes this story great is being able to level the playing field. Not having that one side who is in control or forcing you to choose a side that is right. Aside from this is once again exploring the changes to Superman’s character. Pitting him against someone like Atom who not only can stand up to Superman, but show the difference in their approach to being heroes. Overall this book has shown the consequences and choices you have when it comes to serving what you know to be justice. I think this is a very important moment in the story which Tom has handled very well knowing that Clark once again feels powerless. With all that power and trying to do what he believes is the right thing, he is defeated by Atom and things are looking grim for him.
Though you have the transition from two different art styles throughout, you can’t argue that any of the two don’t fit what they try to portray. In this issue Raapacks edgy looks shows how intense this fight is and how bad the situation is that Batman and his crew have found themselves in.
This here is what you want to see when you continue with the progression of this story. You don’t want to see Batman as the sole hero or Superman. You want to see how you could challenge two who would dare not cross each other and this is just one of the ways in which one trying to capitalize can go wrong. It was a great cliffhanger to end on as well seeing as there looks to be collateral damage from the fight.