The Movement #5
What happens when kids who aren’t heroes have to act like heroes? That is a good question and Gail Simone gives us the answer to that in this issue. In 5 issues The Movement has made a statement, one which has basically crossed them with the wrong people. They have made enemies and this will most likely be their defining moment as heroes.
This is a very progressive story, in terms of this movement they have created. Spreading all over and you see the effect it has on the world. The main point of this book was to show the world, and the corruption within from the perspective of those from a street level. That is what we see here as the Council has gone far enough to hire killers to deal with them, The Graveyard Faction. That is how serious things have become, whether the Movement in over their heads is to be determined, but things are going to get worse before they get any better. Especially when it seems that the team is very unstable at the moment. Everything is really unstable at this moment and you see this as it has a gritty look to it. That much remains consistent.
Gail Simone has a great handle on exposing the corruption that runs the streets. Everything from the Council, to the page where the cop turns over the girl in the wheelchair. You see how angry this made her, not only for the fact that she is in a wheelchair, but these are people she treated well That is more than enough to support the plot that this story is centered around. Giving the readers a reason to care for the cause they fight for and believe in the evils they face every day.