Futurlab Releases New ‘Velocity 2X’ Gameplay Video

The new gameplay showcases some of the hectic, fast-paced action players of the original Velocity will be accustomed too. The new footage also features more on-foot gameplay, which will be a new edition to the Velocity franchise.

The original Velocity contained some of the most vibrant visuals available on the PlayStation Vita and Futurlab Managing Director, James Marsden, has reinstated the fact their studio will continue to push the barriers when it comes to visuals fidelity.

“Despite being a small team of 10 (only three of which are artists), we set ourselves the ambitious challenge of reaching the kind of visual fidelity that makes people say “oooh” and “ahhh” and “take my money!”.”


Velocity 2X will release sometime in 2014 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Analog Addiction will also have an exclusive interview with the Futurlab team very soon.