Avengers #10
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Cover Artist: Dustin Weaver
Previously we found out that what is happening on Earth is caused by El Nihilo. His plan to build a new world by helping Earth evolve, hurling origin bombs all over to correct what he saw was flawed. In this issue we are taken through Omega Flight’s contact with the infection in Canada. It’s a flashback and recording that we see of their mission as have found themselves in the middle of a Garden Origin site. Here we see just how dangerous these origin bombs really are as what sprang from them is very hostile. Hickman portrays this by showing how their team is just slaughtered and beaten with ease. Someone like Wendigo who can go toe-to-toe with the Hulk was ripped open in a graphic scene.
The situation is only dire when Department H has to call for help from the outside, and that’s the situation that they were forced into. Though not too much happened that really stood out, the issue was surrounded with mystery. The mystery centered around what really killed Omega Flight, what happened to Validator, and what she said to Robert to make him think he has to take his own life. We also have to question what exactly happened to everyone else who looked like they were evolving, was this just the environment or did it actually do something to them internally. What can be assumed is that she became a system just like Star Brand and Nightmask.
Whatever the case, what Avengers #10 did right was keeping us interesting in the story to come because while one mystery closes, many more questions are raised to be answered.
Weaver did excellent with this issue between his shading, inking and the general expressions of pain and fear throughout that was consistent.