Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Cover Artist: Frazer Irving
In this issue Bendis finally reveals to us what has happened to Magik. Since the events of AvX, everyone has shown some sort of negative effect but Magik, if anything she had been stronger and more proficient in the use of her powers. But as we see, her powers are in flux as well. For the first time in a long while we see Illyana vulnerable and he portrayed this very well. Unlike the rest of the team, she doesn’t know the depths of her powers or the source which Dormamu warned her of, and that’s what truly scares her. She defeated Dormamu, someone that would give Doctor Strange a run for his money. This was the first time since she recovered most of her soul that we see Darkchilde, the darker side that is untamed. And this feeling is solidified as the Cuckoo sisters give Emma that stare as though there is something for them all to fear if she loses control. Fear that that now face as they are mysteriously dragged back to Limbo, most likely by Dormamu back for another fight.
Even as you fear for her safety having lost control, you see that she really wants everything to be okay. Not only for herself, but for the school and the mutant population. Up to now you’d believe she was just a mouthy soldier to Cyclops, but the way Bendis has written her you see that she has true intentions in what she does and what she hopes to accomplish. That is what makes this team believable, that is why nor the Avengers or the Jean Grey school can dismiss them.
The light hearted moments fit in well as you have Angel conversing with the man who he knows to be his former enemy, the Cuckoo sisters threatening the boys not to think about them sexually, and Eva admitting to liking Cyclops(getting a stare from Emma as well).
Though a few panels and facial expressions were off, Irving did a great job with the style of his artwork for the book. Not too much color, and the dark atmosphere during Magiks confrontation with Dormamu in Limbo was solid. You felt the grim tone that not only she portrayed, but the tone Limbo brings forth.