Constantine #5
This was actually something different which was shocking when it comes to Constantine. You really would have thought that he wanted Shazam’s power for himself or to use it as usual for his own personal gain, but that was not the case here. It was actually more shocking to see that the power was killing him which would make sense as Billy was chosen for a reason to possess it. With how things have turned out so far it wouldn’t be surprising if he did die, which he kinda is, but “dying”. It’s just sad that the way he handled this situation might not keep Billy from getting involved in this war.
Definitely not what I expected and it’s nice to see that Constantine does actually want what’s best for the world when the need is there. May not be the best way to handle such situations, but he gets the job done in the end. Now we are just left with one question, which is if he will survive “bleeding out”. Chances are slim, but it’s still Constantine we’re talking about.